kids · nursery

Our Baby Boy Plane Nursery Ideas

You know how sometimes you walk into a room and it’s like the room exploded full of stuff? And although its clean and picked up, you still feel crowded? Well that’s how we DON’T want the nursery to be. Ty is going to get plenty of toys, etc. and I hopefully will find a way to organize it all. We are adopting the minimalist plan. I’m going with just what we absolutely need to start with, then seeing what I need from there. It seems so much harder to get rid of stuff then to go find it.

I originally kinda wanted this bedding set, but it looked too “busy” to me….

aviator bedding

lambs and ivy aviator theme

Then I saw this one on pinterest and I thought “hey I could just steam apply airplanes on it!” Then I saw it was $400.

g b bedd

Then I thought about making my own, but I figured it might end up looking like this: plus I have many other projects to finish like making a bobby slip cover, a million burp cloths, a towel apron, a diaper pail holder thing, and other various random miniature things.

sew fail

Yeah I have no idea who that is btw, but I’m sure my crib bedding would be a similar sew fail.

So having to reset, here’s what we are thinking so far….

navy and lime green


We are going for navy and lime green, with white furniture and accents.

The theme? A young pilot/traveler of the earth/ let your dreams fly kind of nursery room. It will have just the right touch of baby coupled with a toddler potential tied up to look very clean, crisp, and refreshing. We are going to incorporate two of our favorite color combos, lime green and navy. I imagine there will be small complementary colors like orange, yellow, or red that will seep in but Navy and lime green will consist of the main theme.

It also only seems appropriate for the theme to be airplanes since mama and daddy met on an airplane at around 6,000 ft. 🙂 and used to jump out of airplanes together, go on jump dates, kisses in the air, and trained together, went through a traumatic experience with an airplane accident together… AND that daddy works on airplanes, flies airplanes, and is going to buy a kit plane and build his own airplane soon. I guess you can see why we might choose airplanes, right? Small chance we like em, just a small part of our lives. No big deal.

We want really just a simple kind of crib that the kid wont die in. Is that too tall of an order? Cause searching for a crib has been crazy! We finally found one that hasn’t been discontinued or is impossible to order. So I take that as a win! It wasn’t my favorite pick out there, but it’s getting late in the game to be choose-y, and this one will do. It’s also so hard to find furniture that comes in white wood, everyone is on the brown wood kick! Which is funny, cause in our house everything is going white, haha! I like to think we are just ahead of the trend when it will come back to white.


*update: we went with the delta bennington crib and it actually looks really nice in the nursery, so there ya go. Sometimes Husbands know best! (don’t tell him I said that, ha) 😉


I also want to put up some kind of airplane on the wall like this



But since his name is only two letters it might be better by itself, haha.


and this is just “airplane insane” as BJ and I like to call it. We wish! haha… drool…

airplane insane


And maybe we’ll have to throw in some kind of skydiving/parajumping boy themed stuff too…like this


and of course it will have little odds and end airplane stuff…in the details, its always in the details….

airplane night light

but anyway, there you have a little taste of my nursery ideas…It will be coming together soon so I will be able to give you guys an aerial view soon! 🙂 I can’t wait! Ekkkk!!! 🙂



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